Showing posts with label Death and Dying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death and Dying. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sex Toy that Holds Cremated Remains: Be Close to the One You Love

They often say ‘til death do us part.'

But ladies, if one designer has his way, you can stay intimately close to the one you love for years to cum.

Mark Sturkenboom has created a memory box, that includes a necklace and an amplifier for playing music that reminds you of your departed loved one.

There’s also a scent diffuser and a gold-plated urn. Scent diffuser and a sex toy?

Actually, the urn is a dildo, containing the ashes of the owner’s dearly departed, that makes this box stand-out.

Defending his newest creation, Sturkenboom said: "After a passing, the missing of intimacy with that person is only one aspect of the pain and grief."

This forms the base for 21 Grams. The urn offers the possibility to conserve 21 grams of ashes of the deceased and displays an immortal desire.

The inspiration “came” while helping an elderly lady with her groceries.

“She has an urn standing near the window with the remains of her husband. She always speaks with so much love about him but the jar he was in didn’t reflect that at all.”

During that same time, Sturkenboom read an article about widows, taboos, sex and intimacy which sparked the magical question:

“Can I combine these themes and make an object that is about love and missing and intimacy?”

The box, called 21 Grams – said to be the weight of the human soul – was his answer.

If you want to study-up on the dildo-urn, you can find out more at the designer’s website.
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